12 Ways You Can Use Your When I Work Account to Navigate COVID-19
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In these uncertain times, When I Work is dedicated to ensuring that you and your team feel supported and are equipped to adapt to rapid changes you may be experiencing. With this in mind, we would like to take a moment to highlight ways in which When I Work can help facilitate communication with your workplace and offer increased flexibility during this time of constant change.
We want to ensure that your business is able to operate at whatever level is necessary during this time by providing an array of free ways to manage your workplace. Features that are available to all accounts, including free plans will be marked with ✅.
Communicate with your team
Post a schedule annotation ✅
Annotations can be added to dates on the schedule to notify users of important announcements or to inform users that the business is closed. For more information and instructions on creating an annotation, see Using Annotations. Create an annotation on the go from the Android or iOS apps.
WorkChat ✅
WorkChat is a fast way to communicate with the users at your workplace. Chat with your entire team in the workplace conversation or send direct messages to individuals or groups of employees. With read receipts on sent messages, you will be able to track who has seen your messages in real-time. See Using WorkChat. WorkChat is also available on the Android or iOS apps.
Email your staff ✅
Send email messages and announcements to your entire staff, individual employees, or certain groups of employees based on their tagged schedules and positions. See Sending Group Emails. Group emails can also be sent on the go from the Android or iOS apps.
If you are using Scheduling Basic or Scheduling Pro, the TeamTxt feature allows you to send SMS messages to your team. TeamTxt messages are a way to get important or time sensitive announcements to your team. TeamTxt credits can be purchased by the account holder. See Sending Group Text Messages for more information.
Schedule flexibility
Swaps and drops ✅
Enable Shift Swaps & Drops in the Scheduling Settings of your account to allow employees to trade shifts amongst themselves when needed. Users can swap and drop shifts from the web app, Android or iOS apps.
Find a replacement ✅
If employees are unable to work their scheduled shift, use the Find a Replacement option in the scheduler to quickly create a shift alert to find an employee to pick up the shift. See Find a Replacement for more information. You can also find a replacement on the go from the Android or iOS apps.
Advanced publishing ✅
Make changes to your schedule in bulk with Advanced Publishing options in the scheduler. Publish or unpublish shifts for a specific date range, position or employee, and control who gets notified. See Publishing the Schedule for more information on advanced publishing.
Hide users ✅
If you have employees who are unable to work during this time, hide their profile on the scheduler so you can focus on the employees who are available to be scheduled. You can hide an employee from the scheduler by selecting ‘Hide in the Scheduler’ in their employee profile. See Hide an Employee from the Schedule for instructions.
Document storage
If you are using Scheduling Pro, upload updated procedures, policies, or other essential resources for employees to Documents. Employees can view documents from their Android or iOS apps. This allows employees to access important documents from anywhere and reduces the use of shared physical resource materials. See Manage Documents for instructions on uploading and sharing documents.
If you are using Scheduling Pro, set up team task lists (tasks assigned to a date on the schedule) or shift task lists (tasks assigned to a shift). Task lists can be used to track and monitor updated procedures such as cleaning protocols. Employees mark off completed tasks from their Android or iOS apps, reducing shared surfaces. See How Task Lists Work for information on scheduling task lists.
Attendance flexibility
Personal Computer clock in ✅
If you have employees working from home, enable Personal Computer clock ins from the Attendance Settings. This allows employees to clock in from their personal profile on their home computer. If your employees usually clock in on a shared time clock terminal, Personal Computer clock ins can also be enabled to allow clock ins from work computers to reduce shared surfaces. See Allow Clocking in from a Personal Computer for more information.
Mobile clock in
If you are using paid Time Clock & Attendance, enable Mobile clock ins from the Attendance Settings to allow employees to clock in from their Android or iOS apps. Enabling mobile clock ins puts the time clock in your employees pocket to reduce shared time clock surfaces or to support employees working from home. See Allow Clocking In from Mobile Devices for more information.
We’re here for you
If you have questions or need assistance with your account, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact our Customer Care team. We are in this together.